If you have changed your address, phone number, email, mate, etc., please let us know so we can keep our database up to date.
October 9, 2025
Our 70th Reunion Luncheon will be at
Hof’s Hut, in "The Shops at Rossmoor."
12489 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach, CA 90740
Thursday, October 9, 2025, starting at 11:30 a.m.
The cost of the luncheon will be paid by the reunion committee, but more details on that will follow soon.
Dale Welin passed away after a fall
Bob Bagley is working on a new landing system
Marilyn (Bergener) Neil regrets being grounded
Dan Swanson passed away in San Diego
Ed Noice photographed our last WHS dinner
Nancy (Sloan) Morales remembers her prom date